What stops me from being a successful learner?

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28 Responses to

  1. kbaalla says:

    Fidgeting when the teacher is talking

    K Baalla

  2. arthd says:

    never talk when my teacher is talking


  3. bourm says:

    geting destractid


  4. semed says:

    not listening and talking


  5. szyml says:

    Talking ,fidgeting and not listening


  6. burkb says:

    messing with things at my dest when the teacher is talking

  7. frimq says:

    talking when the teacher is and not listening

  8. kusic says:

    lisnig to bad peolp

  9. oluwm says:

    when your freind is talking to you Mowa

  10. rudzo says:



  11. corcj says:

    I keep my legs on a chair. I am playing with pens. Camerom

  12. furld says:

    Not leving the tabel Dawn

  13. bourm says:

    people talking

  14. belgc says:

    I need to lisen CALVIN

  15. wrobn says:

    Talking to my friends on my table .
    Not listening on a comprehention.
    Fidgeting with rubish.


  16. isiua says:

    MY self confedents. ANGEL

  17. migak says:

    Playing and figiting at the table.
    Krystian Migala

  18. duhah says:

    talking when the teacher is talking

  19. lamog says:

    taking when the teacher is taking

  20. jarsj says:

    swining on the chair. jan

  21. pietj says:

    fidgeting when a teacher is talking


  22. dasie says:


  23. kurzj says:

    Not lisng to the teacher.

  24. narcm says:

    Shouting when the teacher is talking and talking to a friend

  25. gnysk says:

    figiting,going to the toilet and geting out of the class. kacper

  26. strzm says:

    Talking to my friends Mikolaj

  27. piscl says:

    thinking about other things lucia

  28. romaa says:

    Talking to my table.AMELIA

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