James true or lie

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12 Responses to James true or lie

  1. narcm1 says:

    The second one is wrong.

  2. strzf says:

    the 2 one is lie

  3. dossi says:

    I think the one were your brother met Michael Owen is a lie.

    P.S- I hope its correct!

  4. kotwd says:

    i think that your brother met micheal owen

  5. fernc1 says:

    the one where you broke your arm

  6. karao says:


  7. dacoe says:

    your brother met Michael Owen.

  8. ogunr says:

    i have 2 hamesters called cookie and cream is and my brother met michael own is true and during the easter holidays is i broke my arm is true

  9. dacoe says:

    🙂 🙂

  10. karao says:

    cooki and cream is a lie

  11. baddb says:

    lie is during the easter holidays i broke my arm

  12. danyd says:

    I think its the arm one

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